All of our beliefs, teachings, and practices are based on God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible alone contains the truth that will lead us to salvation through Jesus Christ and the resulting freedom, joy, and peace that all mankind is searching for. In these statements, we are not attempting to list all Biblical doctrines or truth, but to state our fundamental beliefs.
1.LOVE – God is supernatural and unconditional love. The mark of a Christian is to love.
2. THE BIBLE – We believe that the Bible alone is God’s perfect Word.
3. GOD – We believe in the one true God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the Trinity).
4. JESUS CHRIST – We believe that Jesus is God, that He died on the cross, and that He rose from the dead opening the way for mankind to have a relationship with God. We believe He did this because He loves us.
5. HOLY SPIRIT – The Holy Spirit is God, that He convicts men of their sin, and comes to live in anyone who puts their faith in Jesus Christ. He guides us into all truth, testifies of Jesus, and gives us the ability to forgive. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives Christians the power to become witnesses for Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers believers to change and to live joyful, holy, and victorious lives.
6. THE FALL OF MAN – We believe God created man innocent, but by choice, all men have sinned.
7. SALVATION – We believe that forgiveness of sin and a relationship with God are possible only by admitting we have sinned and believing that Jesus Christ took our punishment through his death on the cross. Salvation cannot be earned and is the decision of the individual.
8. THE KINGDOM OF GOD – The kingdom of God is what Jesus talked about the most. The theme of this kingdom runs through both the old and new testament. The kingdom of God came with Jesus (consecrated) yet will come again when the King Jesus returns (consummated). In one sense it is here already, but in the richest sense it is still to come.
9. GRACE – Grace is stronger than sin. God is a “father on the porch waiting for you to come home”. Grace has the power to break down strongholds of sin throughout the generations. We love and know a God of grace.
10. EVANGELISM – We are mandated by God to share the good news. We are ambassadors in snatching people from the fires of hell and sharing the love of Jesus. The gospel is 1st importance. Every believer will beheld accountable for proclaiming Jesus unashamedly or for not sharing the eternal life saving gospel.
11.THE CHURCH – We believe that the Church is made up of all people throughout the world that have entered a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ and new birth through the Holy Spirit. The local church is a family of believers who love one another, are committed to one another, and meet regularly for worship, prayer, fellowship, and preaching/teaching of the Bible. We believe that the church exists to love and worship God and to share the truth of Jesus Christ with those around them so that they too can enter into a relationship with God.
12. THE MINISTRY – We believe that ministry is a calling from God, not a career. We believe that the purpose of ministry is to encourage and equip the church to do the will of God.
13. ORDINANCES (Water Baptism and The Lord’s Supper) – We believe that everyone who has entered into a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ is required to be water baptized in. We believe in baptism by immersion. We believe that when believers come together they should celebrate the Lord’s Supper. We eat the bread and drink grape juice so we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for each of us when He died on the cross.
14. TRANSFORMATION – We become what we behold. Our faith in Jesus transforms us into moving, looking, sounding. and loving like Him. From repentance, sanctification, purification, refinement, holiness, and growing in love, we are transformed by the Holy Spirit to express Jesus to this world.
15. SANCTIFICATION (being made holy) – We believe being sanctified, seen as sinless, is accomplished by God at the moment we are born again. We also believe that is is each believers personal responsibility to reject evil and surrender to the life changing power of the Holy Sprit.
16. DIVINE HEALING – We believe that God heals the body, soul, and spirit. We believe that God heals supernaturally, through wisdom and knowledge He gives men and through the natural process of our bodies which He created.
17. ETERNAL STATE – We believe everyone will live for eternity; either in Heaven with God or in Hell separated from God. Our eternal life starts here on Earth by our choice today of accepting or rejecting Jesus.
18. THE FAMILY, MARRIAGE, CHILDREN, & SEXUALITY – We believe God created the family as the foundational institution of society. Marriage is a joyous, lifelong, covenantal relationship between one man and one woman; Children are a blessing and a heritage from God, and sexuality is a gift from God when expressed within the boundaries of marriage.
19. SIGNS MIRACLES AND WONDERS – The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. We are not using persuasive words but the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. We believe that signs and miracles follow believers and believers do not have to chase them. This is a normal expression that is naturally supernatural.
20. CALLING – Every believer is called to love, serve, and equip. The greatest commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor. We are all called to represent Jesus to this world by making disciples and baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We receive His love and power to give that same love and power to others. God has an arching call on His people and yet an individual call on each person. God will reveal a personal call through a relationship.
21. THE DEVIL OR SATAN – We believe Satan is a real entity who was an angel created by God, rebelled against God, and as a result was banned from Heaven and became Satan/devil. He is completely evil, the enemy of man, and destined for an eternity in Hell.